Our staff members


Our staff members

Our HR policy at the heart of our concerns

Since 2021, the Group has focused on training, integration and recognition of teams in stores. Our new integration program, which combines head office, warehouse and store teams, and our new Push uP Academy application are part of this new approach.

Potentielles, a professional support project

Etam welcomes the first class of its "Potentielles" program, which enables women who are far from employment to benefit from training to become Etam sales assistants.


Fifteen motivated women are following a tailor-made training program, with an in-store internship and a certificate to pass at the end of it, with the aim of being hired in a store.

Potentielles, a professional support project


98/100 gender equality index

In accordance with the requirements of article L1142-11 of the French Labor Code, the proportion of women in the Etam Group's management bodies is 46.1% and the proportion of men is 53.9%.

To know more

Well-being at work

The HR action plan aimed at improving well-being at work is systematically adapted according to the responses received in the employee survey. This anonymous questionnaire, sent twice a year to all our employees.

This anonymous questionnaire, sent twice a year to all our employees in France and abroad, has made it possible to establish more regular communication and to adapt support measures for working from home.

Well-being at work


5,800 employees, 95% of whom are women

Discover the other pillars:

Legal Informations

The Site is produced by Etam Développement, a limited partnership with shares, with a capital of 10,961,739 Euros, registered under the number 308 382 035 RCS Paris, whose registered office is located at 78 rue de Rivoli – 75004 Paris, France.

Administrative headquarters: 57/59 rue Henri Barbusse – 92110 Clichy – France. Tel: +33 (1) 55 90 70 70.


The Director of the publication is Mr. Frédéric de Castro in his capacity as Chief Financial Officer.


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